The Cellar Gallery, Berlin

Berlin has been more than just a residency! I arrived at the start of April and so far has been a whirlwind adventure.

I was given an opportunity I couldn't refuse when I was shown the cellar of a local café. For a month we were covered in dust renovating this underground space transforming it into "The Cellar Gallery".

Promoting emerging artists we curated exhibitions every few fridays with live music. Other events hosted include theatre, artists talks, acustic music and live art.

See the progress and first exhibition here

The Cellar Gallery is sad to announce an uncontrollable closure.

After only opening in June this year The Cellar Gallery has been the home to 10 one night events, 5 theatre shows, 7 musicians with 40 artists exhibited. The space evolved from a lot of hard work (vacuuming!), organising and support from everyone through the doors. We appreciate all the help from everyone involved that helped create a space that was so unique, a place where people came to enjoy fine art, watch talented actors, see live painting and listen to live acoustic music.


2013 Overseas adventure

2013 has been a busy, exciting year so far. After leaving Adelaide in January I have spent a month travelling Europe, a month living on residency in Barcelona, and am now in Berlin since April.

Along the way I have met so many inspiring artists, visited many galleries, and learnt so much from my travels.

My time in Barcelona went so quickly. The residency was in the cultured Gracia district where I spent visiting artist studios, galleries & sketching in the streets. I was also able to re-visit my 35mm diana mini to capture the carefree, laidback lifestyle.

"The urban landscape/environment surrounds my daily life. The streets, walls, doors, windows appear to be a canvas for the anonymous artist/city to progressively build layers of colours and text into natural, public visual displays. Over time these surfaces corrode revealing a natural surface and balance between old and new. Stickers, graffiti, posters, stencils and tags are all signs of the chaotic urban life. My interest has been to photograph & document fragments of these urban canvases. My curiosity is in the organic colours & expressive marks that reflect urban art and the cities landscape. I have been experimenting with photography using a 35mm Diana mini film camera which has allowed me to snap fragments of the lively city. Focussing on the buildings, patterns and popular imagery of Spain, the result has been layered, dreamy effects of impulse documentation of my surroundings. There is something about the carefree yet chaotic lifestyle of Barcelona that has influenced me to document and create a journal of images using pen, ink, watercolour & acrylic.”

Berlin has brought many opportunties. I spent 3 months in Takt Artist residency with 15 other artists from all around the world. I had a live/work studio with never a dull moment in the house. It was a pleasure to end the residency with a group exhibition in the resident gallery.